A climber smiling and gripping the rock with their hands while ascending a climbing route at Smith Rock

Learn to Climb at Smith Rock State Park

Our comprehensive rock climbing instruction courses cater to climbers of all ages and skill levels. From beginners to those ready to master higher-level skills, our curriculum spans essential techniques, traditional gear use, lead climbing, multi-pitch, and seamless transitions from the gym to outdoor climbing. Specialized offerings include a climbing self-rescue course for essential safety skills and problem-solving, alongside an AMGA Single Pitch Instructor Course for aspiring climbing instructors. You'll be learning at Smith Rock State Park, the Northwest's premier climbing destination, with experienced AMGA-certified climbing guides and instructors offering tailored instruction for every climber. Join us at Smith Rock and unlock your climbing potential today!

Chockstone Climbing Logo
Our AMGA Accreditation helps assure our clients receive the highest professional standards in our industry.
Our AMGA Accreditation helps assure our clients receive the highest professional standards in our industry.